epub |eng | 2020-11-19 | Author:Megan Squires [Squires, Megan]

14 Josie You should call Mom. She’s been asking about you. Josie reread the text from her older sister, Maren. Funny how she could hear the critical tone so clearly ...
( Category: Westerns April 7,2021 )
epub |eng | | Author:Lori Wilde & Leigh Atwater

Daisy glanced around her small apartment and fretted. Did it look okay? Would Clint like it? His house was so beautiful that she worried he’d find it shabby. She fluffed ...
( Category: Westerns April 7,2021 )
azw3, epub |eng | 2018-03-08 | Author:Chimp Robertson

CHAPTER FIVE Josh went back to Victoria, and just as he put Macho in a stall at the livery stable, Willie Sneed told him he needed to go see the ...
( Category: Westerns April 6,2021 )
epub |eng | | Author:Lori Wilde

Gage had to clench his fists to stay his anger. The man had insulted him. He thought of a smart retort but bit it back. What good would it do ...
( Category: Westerns April 4,2021 )
azw3, epub |eng | 2020-03-26 | Author:Krystal M Anderson

Twelve “I ’m just happy the mine isn’t a complete loss,” Joan confided, astounded that the Crescent contained valuable ore at all. “And now we can go home. Mr. Mabry ...
( Category: Westerns March 7,2021 )
epub |eng | 2020-03-09 | Author:Jill Sanders [Sanders, Jill]

Chapter Thirteen Trace was a little overwhelmed at the support he received after the show. A group of men approached him, all claiming to be current military or veterans. They ...
( Category: Westerns March 7,2021 )
epub |eng | 2017-04-16 | Author:Ciana Stone [Stone, Ciana]

Chapter Nine Ily felt rather than heard his approach and gently unwound herself from John Luke’s embrace. Or tried. She was just about to slide off the bed when he ...
( Category: Westerns March 4,2021 )
epub |eng | 2012-05-22 | Author:Ada Maria Soto [Soto, Ada Maria]

AARON gave himself another wipe down and a shave. He left Dancer to her grazing and ambled casually along the road. As he made his way through town, he noticed ...
( Category: Westerns February 11,2021 )
epub |eng | 2019-01-07 | Author:Melissa Belle [Belle, Melissa]

Chapter Sixteen Phillip comes home for dinner, and we spend most of the time talking about his upcoming conference. I remind him I have dance class and then Save the ...
( Category: Westerns November 25,2020 )
epub |eng | 0101-01-01 | Author:Sandy James [James, Sandy]

*** “This will do.” Cassie held the calico dress to her front, grateful the store had one already sewn. “And I shall take the other two as well. I also ...
( Category: Westerns November 25,2020 )
epub |eng | 1997-11-15 | Author:Johanna Lindsey

Chapter 28 “Two brothers, both wanting to be mayors? Do you believe that, Casey?” Damian had deliberately refrained from talking about the meeting they’d had with Jack Curruthers until now. ...
( Category: Westerns November 9,2020 )
epub |eng | 2006-10-30 | Author:Bobbi Smith - Hired Gun [Smith, Bobbi]

CHAPTER SIXTEEN It was the middle of the night when Faith awoke. She lay there on her bedroll, staring up at the clear, moonlit night sky. It was a heavenly ...
( Category: Westerns November 4,2020 )
epub |eng | 2019-08-07 | Author:Caroline Clemmons [Clemmons, Caroline]

Chapter Ten Cloud handed over the messages he wanted sent. “I’ll check back tomorrow to see if we have answers.” The telegrapher gave him a measuring look before nodding. “I’ll ...
( Category: Westerns October 6,2020 )
epub |eng | 2020-09-21 | Author:Johnson, Craig

* * * — “Car shopping on a Sunday night?” “There aren’t any crowds, or salespeople for that matter.” She sashayed up and down the rows of vehicles at the ...
( Category: Murder October 1,2020 )
mobi, epub |eng | 2020-04-12 | Author:Brenda Sinclair

* * * Willow accompanied Leonard, Sawyer, Daniel and Adam to the Circle H Ranch later that morning. She huddled on the back seat of the rented conveyance as they ...
( Category: Westerns August 6,2020 )